ASFL2 MLB Day-to-Day Pickem - Article View
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Live(r) Standings
11:05 PM on May 4th by Jay Soester

From now on the game standings, MLB standings and MLB projected standings will update every 15 minutes based on the final MLB scores I've (or another member with administrative rights has) updated in the system.

Previously I manually ran the calculation scripts once all games were finished.

The benefit is obvious, more up-to-date standings including those of MLB Standings Pickem. The only potential drawback I can fathom is the system marking members who have yet to pick for a day as being wrong for that day, even before the deadline.

Given that, please note that if you see the system has scored your pick wrong for the day, but you've only just recently made the pick, give it at least 15 minutes before contacting me about an error.

Tags: System Features,Game Standings,MLB Standings,Projected Standings
Category: System Features
Secondary Category: Day-to-Day News
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Greg Krause
5/6 12:24 AM

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