ASFL2 MLB Day-to-Day Pickem - Article View
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Game Stats Available
9:32 PM on May 8th by Jay Soester

The Game Stats page is finally finished and features nine separate pages with bonus information for the game based on member picks and MLB results.

Current Streaks: Sorts each member by the length of their current pick streak. A positive number indicates a win streak while a negative value indicates a losing streak. Use the page to see where you stack up against all other participants in terms of your current streak and see how those around you in the monthly or regular season standings are currently fairing.

Member Standings by Week: Sorts each member by their point total earned in the current week. You can also sort the standings by any other week of the season. Teams picked during the week are also visible after the deadline for each day along with the score earned for the pick.

Daily Pick Breakdown: Shows the number of selections for each MLB team each day along with the number of picks against each team and the difference in values. The information can be sorted by either of the three values. The bottom of the page displays the overall member record for the day as well as the DMU-specific record for the day.

Weekly Pick Breakdown: Shows the number of selections for each MLB team each week along with the number of picks against each team and the difference in value. The record of members when picking each team is also available. The information can be sorted by the same three values as the Daily Pick Breakdown page as well as by the number of member correct picks and the member winning percentage. You can filter the information by any week or any member.

Monthly Pick Breakdown: Shows the number of selections for each MLB team each month along with the number of picks against each team and the difference in value. The record of members when picking each team is also available. The information can be sorted by the same five values as the Weekly Pick Breakdown page. You can filter the information by any month or any member.

Regular Season Pick Breakdown: Shows the number of selections for each MLB team for the entire season along with the number of picks against each team and the difference in value. The record of members when picking each team is also available. The information can be sorted by the same five values as the Weekly and Monthly Pick Breakdown pages. You can also filter the information by any member.

Playoffs Pick Breakdown: Shows the number of selections for each MLB team for the entire season along with the number of picks against each team and the difference in value. The record of members when picking each team is also available. The information can be sorted by the same five values as the Regular Season Pick Breakdown page. You can also filter the information by round and by any member.

MLB Weekly Standings: Provides the MLB Standings for games played by the week selected. Use the drop down menu to change the week in question.

Team DMU Frequency & Record: Provides the number of times an MLB team has been designated as part of a DMU game and their record when played in said games. You can filter the information by month or for the entire regular season by choosing all months in the drop down menu. The default information is that for the entire regular season. As of this article, only the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros have yet to be selected for a DMU game.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to use the comments.

Tags: System Features,Stats,Day-to-Day News
Category: System Features
Secondary Category: Day-to-Day News
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