ASFL2 MLB Day-to-Day Pickem - Article View
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Pick Clearing Bug
12:47 PM on June 8th by Jay Soester

There's a bug in the system that's causing picks to be cleared out after they're made. I've been trying to track it down for around a month. It's a simple fix for me to put your pick back in the system if you notify me of it being cleared out, but the bigger bug causing the problems is proving to be elusive.

If you have any information that can help me find it, please reply to the comments here, post it on the game's message board discussion thread or email me.

I originally thought it would be related to a pick being cleared out when a new pick was made or when picks were updated for the week, but based on what limited information I've been told it may be related to the game calculations script which would be sizeably more difficult to track down and fix.

If you know you had a pick in the system immediately before making a pick, but then see your previous pick was gone upon checking for a pick that you just made, please notify me immediately.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to try to hunt down the bug again until late Wednesday or Thursday due to course work.

Tags: System Errors,Pick Bug,Day-to-Day News
Category: System Errors
Secondary Category: Day-to-Day News
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