ASFL2 MLB Day-to-Day Pickem - Article View
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May Results
5:21 PM on June 3rd by Jay Soester

For the second straight month, the winner was decided on the final day.

With two days remaining, Jeffery Murowsky led Tom Vobejda 50-41. Jeff King was also at 41 points, but without a streak going for him, he needed a lot of help. Both Murowsky and Vobejda had just capped off a perfect week. Vobejda's perfect week followed a prior perfect week for a 14 game streak. Murowsky's perfect week followed a loss to give him a 7 game streak. If both won out without a DMU being picked, Murowsky would have won 57-53. If both won out with two DMUs, Vobejda would have won 65-64.

Both of those scenarios were ruled out when Murowsky failed to make a pick on the penultimate day of the month. Vobejda managed a correct pick to make the score 48-47 going into the final day. If Vobejda picked correctly, he was the winner for the month. If he was wrong, it would have taken a failed Murowsky DMU to still come out on top. Vobejda selected the Phillies for the second day in a row, but they failed him in a 10-2 lost to the Nationals to end his streak at 15 games. With Murowsky's picking the Red Sox in a non-DMU game, he was assured the month win despite their losing 10-7 to the White Sox. It was the second straight month of heartbreak for Vobejda after he lost April on the final day as well. At least this month didn't require a tiebreaker for his defeat and he nearly came from behind instead of losing from ahead.

Despite, finishing out the final two days of the month without a correct pick, Murowsky still managed to have the best record for the month at 23-8 and earn 0.33 extra bonus points for it. He was an even more impressive 23-6 (0.792) in games he actually picked. Vobejda earned the extra 0.33 bonus points for having the longest streak of the month (15), his second month in a row with that honor, despite nearly doubling his streak total from last month (8). Don Greenslate went 3-0 on DMUs for the second month in a row, and earned the 0.33 bonus points for having the best DMU record without an equal this month.

The Bonus Points standings are now updated to reflect those earned for the May results.

Tags: Month Recap,Playoffs,Day-to-Day News,Qualification
Category: Month Recap
Secondary Category: Playoffs
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