ASFL2 News - Tag Search (Humor- 1 Items)
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ASFL2 News - Tag Search (Humor- 1 Items)

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Farewell, SSSS
11:58 PM ET on 11/12/11 by Jay Soester
I created the original league that occupied this website, the American Simulation Football League on January 2nd, 2002. I was 14 at the time. Two others helped me create the league, one of which is still around (Tim Schneider), the other vanished a few months after the league began. Given the ages of those involved, the dynamic and culture of the league (and the second league on this website) was a bit different compared to the current environment.

Back then, there were only two points of interaction between league members, AIM (which members were required to have...and was actually, socially relevant at the time) and the league message board. Plenty of good-natured ribbing between those who cheered for rival teams and other inside jokes developed, with the Stupid Shit Said Section (SSSS) evolving from the general culture and camaraderie of the message board's membership.

The SSSS began when Tim posted a conversation he had had with another league member on AIM in which the other member proceeded to look like an idiot. Those type of threads would be prevalent on the SSSS through the end of the original ASFL and into the ABL era, but slowly the section evolved to include stupid humor from around the internet. Viral videos were posted, addicting games with dumb concepts, stupid news from around the world, and hilarious pranks from around the internet or even within the league.

With the league's culture having changed and the SSSS's use having dropped drastically, I've decided to retire the SSSS and merge all threads into the Free Range section on the league message board. But before I do, I wanted to bring back the best in a decade of stupid humor. I asked Tim to give me his favorite threads from the ABL message board and I've included my own favorites from the nearly ten year run as well. All external links open in a new window. If you're easily offended, I don't recommend most of them.

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Sections: Main
Tags: Internet_Talk, League_Message_Board, Humor, League_History, Website_History, Website_Features, League_Features, Website_History, ASFL1, American_Simulation_Football_League, ABL, American_Baseball_League

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