ASFL2 News - Tag Search (Money Leagues Fantasy Basketball- 5 Items)
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ASFL2 News - Tag Search (Money Leagues Fantasy Basketball- 5 Items)

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Basketball Winnings Delivered
4:16 PM ET on 4/25/11 by Jay Soester
All winnings for Fantasy Basketball have now been sent via PayPal. If you have any questions, please email me as soon as possible.

Sections: Money Leagues
Tags: Standings_Update, Money_Leagues_Fantasy_Basketball, Money_Leagues_Winnings
Fantasy Basketball Results Available
2:19 PM ET on 4/18/11 by Jay Soester
Fantasy Basketball results are now available.

Congrats to Anders Nilsson for winning the playoffs and to Charles Wishon for finishing second and walking away with winnings. Here's the final money breakdown:

Regular Season Champion: Jeremy Neate ($60)
Regular Season Runner-Up: Aaron Freeman ($35)
Best Weekly Win/Loss Record: Jeremy Neate ($12)

Playoff Champion: Anders Nilsson ($40)
Playoff Runner-Up: Charles Wishon ($28)

Jeremy Neate ($72)
Anders Nilsson ($40)
Aaron Freeman ($35)
Charles Wishon ($28)

Winnings will be sent via PayPal as soon as funds are transfered to my account.

Sections: Money Leagues
Tags: Standings_Update, Money_Leagues_Fantasy_Basketball, Money_Leagues_Winnings

Fantasy Basketball Regular Season Winnings
1:47 PM ET on 3/23/11 by Jay Soester
The league standings are now available on the Money Leagues website via this link.

Jeremy Neate ran away with the regular season finishing 24.5 games ahead of Aaron Freeman in second place. Neate also finished with the best weekly win/loss record at 17-4, two games ahead of Anders Nilsson in second.

Regular Season Winnings:
Regular Season Winner: Jeremy Neate ($60)
Regular Season Runner-Up: Aaron Freeman ($35)
Best Weekly Win/Loss Record: Jeremy Neate ($12)

Winnings will be sent after the conclusion of the playoffs.

Sections: Money Leagues
Tags: Standings_Update, Money_Leagues_Fantasy_Basketball, Money_Leagues_Winnings
Fantasy Basketball League #1 Information Sent
11:32 PM ET on 9/27/10 by Jay Soester
Those who expressed interest have been sent the Yahoo! league ID and password for the league. We're still looking for up to six more. I don't have time to set up the normal sign up processes due to ASFL2 obligations and personal schedule, please email me directly if you're interested. The league settings are as follows:

Price: $25
Teams: 8-14
Transaction Limit: None
Draft: October 16th at 3:45 PM ET.
Payments Via: PayPal (, Check or Western Union (email for physical address)

All other settings can be found on the Fantasy Basketball Game Rules page.

Winnings Breakdown can be found here, but it will vary based on league size.

Sections: Money Leagues
Tags: Games_Available, Money_Leagues_Fantasy_Basketball, League_Designations
Fantasy Basketball League?
12:40 AM ET on 9/15/10 by Jay Soester
I'm attempting to scrap together a Fantasy Basketball league between all of my other current time constraints. It would be a transaction limit free, $25, 8-14 team league with a live draft held on an October, Saturday afternoon, likely October 16th around 2 PM ET. If you're interested please email me. The league is currently halfway to the minimum amount of participants needed.

Sections: Money Leagues
Tags: Games_Available, Money_Leagues_Fantasy_Basketball

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