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ASFL2 Rules - Fantasy Game Rules & Settings - Fantasy Basketball

Signing Up | Game Rules & Settings | ASFL2 Game Scoring | Bonus Points | Commissioner | Timeline | Removal

Game Timeline

ASFL2 Leagues Created:~September 20th, Y1
Draft Times Announced/Emailed:~September 21st/September 23rd, Y1
League Designations Announced:~October 4th, Y1
League Drafts:~October 19th to ~October 26th, Y1
Game Start:~October 28th, Y1
Game Finish:~April 15th, Y2

Game Settings

League Type:Head-to-Head
Lineup:1 PG, 1 SG, 1 G, 1 PF, 1 SF, 1 F, 2 C, Util, 3/4 BN^
Draft Type:Live#
Teams:12 or 14 per league
Playoff Format:6 teams
Waivers:2 days
Trade Reject Time:2 days
Trade Review:Commissioner
Stats:FG%, FT%, 3-Pointers, Points, Rebounds, Assists, Steals, Blocks, Turnovers
Transaction Limit:None

^12 team leagues get 4 bench players, 14 team leagues get 3.
#Each league will have a pre-determined draft day and time. The commissioner will ask for draft day/time preferences and try to place everyone where they can attend their designated draft. There is one autopick league created as well. The available draft times will be posted on the league message board once the ASFL2 leagues are created. Shortly afterward they will be put on the league website and normally they will be emailed as well if needed.

Veto Procedure:
The ASFL2 commissioner will only be direct commissioner of two individual ASFL2 Fantasy Football leagues. For that reason all potential veto suggestions need to be emailed to the commissioner if the trade isn't taking place in League 1 or League 2. Assistant commissioner's do not have the power to veto or put through a trade in Yahoo!.

The commissioner has set up all ASFL2 leagues to send Yahoo! transaction emails to a secondary email account which also receives website form submissions or confirmations. All trades are analyzed by the commissioner when received. If the commissioner feels at first glance a trade isn't fair he will post a poll for the trade on the message board in the Big Four Fantasy Sports section. If upon first glance at a trade the commissioner feels a trade might be unfair he'll wait for further feedback email agreeing with his notion from the league in question. If a few emails are received a veto poll is posted on the message board. All emails to the commissioner need to be sent directly to, any emails through Yahoo! will be sent to an address that cannot be replied from and the emails may not be seen in time for action. If a trade veto goes to the league message board a notification will be posted on the Yahoo! league message board as a warning.

If the poll thread produces a result which the commissioner decides agrees with a veto the commissioner will sign onto the appropriate Yahoo! ID to veto the trade. The commissioner will never allow a trade before it's expiration time or interfere with a trade before it's expiration time otherwise. This is done to ensure consistency between trades amongst all leagues as they are observed by assistant commissioners of different activity levels.

Fantasy Basketball ASFL2 Scoring