Signing Up | Game Rules & Settings | ASFL2 Game Scoring | Bonus Points | Commissioner | Timeline | Removal | Conferences |
Game Runtime Only |
Fantasy Golf: | Early January to Mid September Y1 |
Fantasy NASCAR: | Mid February to Mid November Y1 |
NCAA Tournament Pickem: | Early March to Early April Y1 |
MLB Standings Pickem: | Picks Made in March Y1 |
Fantasy Baseball: | Start of April to End of September Y1 |
NFL Standings Pickem: | Picks Made in August Y1 |
Fantasy Premier League: | Mid August Y1 to Mid May Y2 |
College Football Pickem: | End of August to Early December Y1 |
Fantasy Football: | Start of September to End of December Y1 |
NFL Survival Pickem: | Start of September to End of December Y1 |
NFL Pickem: | Start of September to End of December Y1 |
NHL Standings Pickem: | Picks Made in September Y1 |
MLB Playoffs Pickem: | Picks Made in Early October Y1 |
Fantasy Hockey: | Start of October Y1 to Mid April Y2 |
NBA Standings Pickem: | Picks Made in October Y1 |
Fantasy Basketball: | End of October Y1 to Mid April Y2 |
College Bowl Pickem: | Picks Made in Mid December Y1 |
NFL Playoffs Pickem: | Picks Made in Late December Y1 |
Fantasy NFL Playoffs: | Late December Y1 to Early February Y2 |
NHL Playoffs Pickem: | Picks Made in Early April Y2 |
NBA Playoffs Pickem: | Picks Made in Mid April Y2 |
Y1 = first year of ASFL2 season; Y2 = second year of ASFL2 season. |
Full Timeline |
Fantasy Golf ASFL2 Groups Created: | ~December 10th, Y-1 |
Fantasy Golf Game Start: | ~January 5th, Y1 |
Fantasy NASCAR ASFL2 Groups Created: | ~January 10th, Y1 |
Fantasy Baseball ASFL2 Leagues Created: | ~February 9th, Y1 |
Fantasy Baseball Draft Times Announced/Emailed: | ~February 10th/February 13th, Y1 |
Fantasy NASCAR Game Start: | ~February 15th, Y1 |
NCAA Tournament Pickem ASFL2 Groups Created: | ~February 21st, Y1 |
Fantasy Baseball League Designations Announced: | ~February 24th, Y1 |
MLB Standings Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~March 4th, Y1 |
NCAA Tournament Pickem Game Start: | ~March 11th, Y1 |
Fantasy Baseball League Drafts | ~March 17th to ~March 29th, Y1 |
Fantasy Baseball Game Start: | ~April 1st, Y1 |
MLB Standings Pickem Entry Deadline | ~April 4th, Y1 |
NCAA Tournament Pickem Game Finish: | ~April 7th, Y1 |
Fantasy Football ASFL2 Leagues Created: | ~June 9th, Y1 |
Fantasy Football Draft Times Announced/Emailed: | ~June 10th/June 13th, Y1 |
Fantasy Football League Designations Announced: | ~July 1st, Y1 |
Fantasy Premier League ASFL2 Groups Created: | ~July 15th, Y1 |
NFL Standings Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~August 1st, Y1 |
College Football Pickem ASFL2 Groups Created: | ~August 1st, Y1 |
NFL Pickem ASFL2 Groups Created: | ~August 2nd, Y1 |
NFL Survival Pickem ASFL2 Groups Created: | ~August 10th, Y1 |
Fantasy Premier League Game Start: | ~August 16th, Y1 |
Fantasy Football League Drafts: | ~August 20th to ~August 30th, Y1 |
NHL Standings Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~September 1st, Y1 |
College Football Pickem Game Start: | ~September 1st, Y1 |
Fantasy Hockey ASFL2 Leagues Created: | ~September 1st, Y1 |
Fantasy Hockey Draft Times Announced/Emailed: | ~September 2nd/September 4th, Y1 |
NFL Standings Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~September 5th, Y1 |
NFL Pickem Game Start: | ~September 8th, Y1 |
Fantasy Football Game Start: | ~September 8th, Y1 |
NFL Survival Pickem Game Start: | ~September 8th, Y1 |
Fantasy Hockey League Designations Announced | ~September 9th, Y1 |
Fantasy Basketball ASFL2 Leagues Created: | ~September 20th, Y1 |
Fantasy Hockey League Drafts | ~September 20th to ~September 27th, Y1 |
Fantasy Basketball Draft Times Announced/Emailed: | ~September 21st/September 23rd, Y1 |
MLB Playoffs Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~September 28th, Y1 |
Fantasy Baseball Game Finish: | ~September 30th, Y1 |
Fantasy Golf Game Finish: | ~September 30th, Y1 |
NBA Standings Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~October 1st, Y1 |
Fantasy Hockey Game Start: | ~October 4th, Y1 |
Fantasy Basketball League Designations Announced: | ~October 4th, Y1 |
MLB Playoffs Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~October 4th, Y1 |
NHL Standings Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~October 8th, Y1 |
Fantasy Basketball League Drafts: | ~October 19th to ~October 26th, Y1 |
NBA Standings Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~October 28th, Y1 |
Fantasy Basketball Game Start: | ~October 28th, Y1 |
MLB Playoffs Pickem Game Finish: | ~October 30th, Y1 |
MLB Standings Pickem Game Finish: | ~October 30th, Y1 |
Fantasy NASCAR Game Finish: | ~November 18th, Y1 |
College Football Pickem Game Finish: | ~December 7th, Y1 |
College Bowl Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~December 7th, Y1 |
Fantasy NFL Playoffs Entry Thread Created: | ~December 18th, Y1 |
College Bowl Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~December 20th, Y1 |
NFL Playoffs Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~December 20th, Y1 |
Fantasy NFL Playoffs Entry Deadline: | ~December 29th, Y1 |
Fantasy Football Game Finish: | ~December 31st, Y1 |
NFL Pickem Game Finish: | ~December 31st, Y1 |
NFL Survival Pickem Game Finish: | ~December 31st, Y1 |
NFL Playoffs Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~January 3rd, Y2 |
College Bowl Pickem Game Finish: | ~January 7th, Y2 |
Fantasy NFL Playoffs Game Finish: | ~February 2nd, Y2 |
NFL Playoffs Pickem Game Finish: | ~February 2nd, Y2 |
NFL Standings Pickem Game Finish: | ~February 2nd, Y2 |
NHL Playoffs Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~April 8th, Y2 |
NBA Playoffs Pickem Entry Thread Created: | ~April 9th, Y2 |
Fantasy Hockey Game Finish: | ~April 12th, Y2 |
NHL Playoffs Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~April 15th, Y2 |
Fantasy Basketball Game Finish: | ~April 15th, Y2 |
NBA Playoffs Pickem Entry Deadline: | ~April 18th, Y2 |
Fantasy Premier League Game Finish: | ~May 20th, Y2 |
NHL Playoffs Pickem Game Finish: | ~June 5th, Y2 |
NHL Standings Pickem Game Finish: | ~June 5th, Y2 |
NBA Playoffs Pickem Game Finish: | ~June 9th, Y2 |
NBA Standings Pickem Game Finish: | ~June 9th, Y2 |
The "~"'s denote approximation. The exact dates will vary from year to year depending on the respective leagues season dates as well as the dates when Yahoo! opens up their various fantasy games. |