Key |
TPts: |
Total Points, game points without a dropped week factored in. |
LWP: |
Last Week Points, points for the most recent game week. |
LR: |
Last Week Rank, last week's rank before factoring in this week's scores. |
+/-: |
Plus-Minus, number of rankings moved up or down based on the last week's score. |
HR: |
High Rank, highest points rank during the season. |
LR: |
Low Rank, lowest points rank during the season. |
WW: |
Weeks Won |
TW: |
Tied Weeks, weeks in which a member score the same as a member who is credited with a week win, but does not receive one himself. |
75%: |
75% Points, points earned for a week in which a member picks better than 75% of games correctly, but less than 85% of games correctly. |
85%: |
85% Points, points earned for a week in which a member picks better than 85% of games correctly. |
PW: |
Perfect Weeks, weeks in which a member picks all games correctly. |
RP: |
Rank Points, championship points earned based on final standingsrank. |
WW: |
Week Win Points, the "WW" under championship points includes the week win points and bonus points for finishing in the top three for week wins. |
W+T: |
Week Win + Tied Week Points, championship points earned based on the number of weeks won plus the number of tied weeks for a given member. |
TPts: |
Total Points, Points. Championship points earned based on a member's total points value. |
Others: |
Championship points earned based on weekly pick percentage and paired tied weeks. |