ASFL2 Rules - ASFL2 Game Scoring - NFL Pickem
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ASFL2 Rules - ASFL2 Game Scoring - NFL Pickem

Signing Up | Game Rules & Settings | ASFL2 Game Scoring | Bonus Points | Commissioner | Timeline | Removal

Rank Pts Max: Pick % Max:
WWBP Max: Member Total:

NFL Pickem follows the standard ASFL2 scoring formula of , where n is the number of members, m is the maximum point value and r is the member's rank.

For Pick Percentage Rank Points, n is divided by two and then rounded to the nearest whole number within the same formula. For Week Win Bonus Points, n is multiplied by the number of week wins awarded per week then divided by 50 and rounded to the nearest whole number. Ties are not broken in the week win standings.

The maximum values for all three are given as the default values in the text boxes above. To return to the default values, leave the field blank when submitting. The member total is also calcuated based on the current standings.

Season Finish
Week Wins Rank^
If there is a tie for a particular place, all tied will receive the point total for that place.
Picks Percentage Rank
Week Win (WW)^:1 Point
100% Week Game Pick Accuracy*:2 Pts
85% Week Game Pick Accuracy:1 Point
75% Week Game Pick Accuracy:0.67 Pts
66% Week Game Pick Accuracy:0.33 Pts
Scoring 70% of a Week's Available Points*~:1 Point
Scoring 65% of a Week's Available Points:0.67 Pts
Scoring 60% of a Week's Available Points:0.33 Pts

^The Week Win (WW) is a relic remaining from the games' days being run through Yahoo!. Back then, the number of groups determined the number of week wins available. Now, the number of ASFL2-member participants is divided by fifty and rounded up to arrive at the same number as if the game had never left.
~The total number of points available each week is the number of games played times 60. To reach 60% of that, a member would need to average 36 points per game; 65% requires 39/game; 70% requires 42/game.
*Points are not cumulative, if your pick percentage for a week is 76%, you earn 0.67 points; not 0.67 plus the 0.33 for being better than 66%. The same applies to points percentage.

(1) Number of Correct Picks.
(2) Number of Perfect Games.
(3) Number of games scored between 51-60 points.
(4) Number of games scored between 46-50 points.
(5) Number of games scored between 41-45 points.
(6) Number of games scored between 35-40 points.
(7) Number of games scored between 31-35 points.
(8) Number of games scored between 26-30 points.
(9) Number of games scored between 21-25 points.
(10) Number of games scored between 16-20 points.
(11) Number of games scored between 11-15 points.
(12) Number of games scored between 6-10 points.
(13) Number of Correct Margins picked.
(14) Number of Correct Scores picked.
(15) Number of Picks Made.
(16) Number of margins within one point of being correct.
(17) Number of scores within one point of being correct.
(18) Number of margins within two points of being correct.
(19) Number of margins within three points of being correct.
(20) Number of scores within three points of being correct.
(21) Number of margins within four points of being correct.
(22) Number of margins within five points of being correct.
(23) Number of margins within six points of being correct.
(24) Number of margins within seven points of being correct.
(25) Number of scores within seven points of being correct.
(26) Number of margins within eight points of being correct.
(27) Number of margins within nine points of being correct.
(28) Number of margins within ten points of being correct.
(29) Number of scores within ten points of being correct.
(30) Number of margins within 11 points of being correct.
(31) Number of margins within 12 points of being correct.
(32) Number of margins within 13 points of being correct.
(33) Number of margins within 14 points of being correct.
(34) Number of scores within 14 points of being correct.

Standings Updates

NFL Pickem is available on the league website. Scores, standings and stats are updated as soon as possible once they're available.
Weekly championship points earned from NFL Pickem are added to the championship standings as soon as the game standings are updated.

NFL Pickem Game Rules & Settings